Friday, July 31, 2009

Rigging Tips

A variety of rigging tips and examples are available in the Tips and Tricks section of
Any suggestions for future tutorials or experiments?

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I got from my sister-in-low as a gift Animators Friendly Rigging DVD.
    I am learning to rig and modeling as well.
    I hope to learn Phyton somewhat in order to build autoRigs like the one by John Doublestein, even though right know i have no programming experience whatsoever.

    i have some questions that is not on Stop Starting and that awesome tuts by Jason Schleifer. Which is non-roll arm joint based face rig ( not the solution offered by Jason Osipa ) like this one by Suchan Raj Bajracharya

    If it ia under 50 bucks my wife will allow me to buy one. You know i am a father of a 4 month boy.

    I send you a message on vimeo about how to rig a skirt the best for my big eyes baby character, i do not want to use nCloth because my computer is an iMac, even though it´s the 27´´ model.
    I saw yr Darkwing rig cloth have a skeleton and watched yr Dynamically Curve Driven Joints tut.

    English is not my mother language, so thx for yr time.
